You need to have taken part in the 'Introduction to Equine Assisted Learning' online before you can register for this course.
These two units are suitable for volunteers, new facilitators, support staff and people wishing to work as assistants within an equine assisted learning environment.
The communication skills are fundamental to the non-judgmental, learner-led approach that is the basis for the sessions with the horses.
During the course there will be opportunities to practise your active and empathic listening skills, learn more about communication theories and analyse real sessions.
The communication unit includes:
- Non-verbal communication
- Active and empathic listening
- Day’s 3Rs of Communication
- Analysing Transactions
- Praise
- Offering help
- Interrupting thought.
Some of the skills learnt on the training carry through into the student's personal lives as you can see from some of these comments from previous studetns.
“Tricia explained how talking to someone can interrupt their thoughts, but it wasn’t until I was engrossed in grooming the horse that I realised how annoying it was when someone interrupted me! Now I’m much more mindful of when I speak as well as what I say.”
”I have more self-awareness, how I can communicate more effectively with others, and how subtle the effect is.”
“I have written an apology to my previous husband because I now realise I didn’t listen to him for the 20 years we were together!”
The Safeguarding unit covers policies and procedures including safer recruitment and how to recognise possible signs and symptoms of abuse as well as what to do if a learner makes a disclosure.
It can take up to a year to complete the Horse Awareness, Communication and Safeguarding and you do not need to carry on to the next level if this is sufficient for you.